Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Today, as I'm sitting in my observation hours, I was talking to my co-op about how many days off Stow has had recently. He went through and told me the rest of the in-services Stow had. He told me that Tuesday, November 3 was an in-service day. I felt my heart drop. November 3 was the day that I was scheduled to be observed by my professor. I looked at him and said, "you're kidding me?" He was like no why? I had to control my tone but I was pissed. I was like, "that's the 2nd day of my unit and the day my professor is suppose to come observe me! I had NO idea there was an in-service." My co-op is a really nice guy, but he is very laid back and didn't seem to realize it was a big deal. He said he was sorry and we would work something out. Then we talked about how the aviation kids (who are my first 2 periods) might have a field trip during my unit. I asked when, and he said it was up to the science teacher. FRUSTRATION! I talked to the science teacher with my co-op and he said he hadn't planned it yet, but would do it around my observation days. I explained to both gentlemen how important these observations were to my course and that it is important that we schedule them and stick with it.

I am just frustrated with this whole experience. I was excited when I first started at Stow that my co-op was so laid back, but as I have gone on I have realized that I would rather have a helicopter co-op. I am his first student teacher so I realize he hasn't gone through the process before from his side, but he has gone through it on my side. So I kinda wish he'd think back to when he was a student teacher and see it from my perspective. Basically he just agrees with everything. I'm not sure what he's going to think of my unit plan. Everytime I send it to him, he can't open it (some problem with his computer). My unit is much more interactive; a lot of projects, a lot of simulation activities. His class, is strongly lecture and discussion. He is an intelligent man, and knows his content area, but I don't see ANY creativity.

A part of me wishes I was back at North HS. I had an amazing experience there. The saddest part is that Stow was my #1 pick for a school. I guess I just never imagined it to be like this..

Hopefully my unit won't be as stressful as this pre-unit is. I'm stressed. Very much so. Nothing is going right and I don't want to upset anyone...ugh!

Sorry for venting! Just needed to get it out there. It's a writing process so that's what this is here for right?

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